Customized Portrait Painting: You Only Have to Paint the One you Love

A loved one’s face is the most precious thing in the universe. It is a way that one can keep those we care about close, regardless of whether they are only there for a short time or remain in our hearts forever.

Want to do something different with the regular printed photograph you see on the fridge? A customized portrait painting will give you the exact representation that you need of that special person in your life.

Getting Started

It is wonderful to be able to look at a personalized portrait with fondness every day. It’s very easy.

Simply pick a picture you’d like to have made into a canvas. You can also take a look through the portrait oil painting gallery, which highlights the artistic talent displayed by the painters. After looking at the work by painters who are experts in oil, charcoal and pencil, as well as watercolor, acrylic and acrylic, you can choose the medium which best suits your photo. It has never been easier to jumpstart the creative process.

Collaborating with Artists

After uploading your chosen photo, you will have the opportunity to request any modifications. You can even combine photos to ask for a merged portrait. It’s a great opportunity to bring all the grandkids or both sets.

An edited, finalized and enhanced color version of the image will be submitted for your approval. Once you’re happy with it, the painting will begin.

You will be kept up to date throughout the process. You will only need to communicate with the artist any corrections you require. Paint Your Life believes that creating a masterpiece that captures a loved one’s image is the most important thing.

A Timeless Treasure

A portrait painting commission from a highly skilled source like Color Your Life has many benefits.

  1. Ability to communicate clearly the details you would like to see in the finished work of art.
  2. You should be involved throughout the creative process. Enjoy the joy of being there for every step of your creative process.
  3. Framing included. It doesn’t matter if you have to take an extra trip to complete the final touch. Paint Your Life has it covered!
  4. No stress shipping You will receive the product in its entirety when it arrives at your door. You won’t need to flatten the picture after it’s been folded like a poster for weeks.
  5. You can create a treasured heirloom. A personalized work or art has the most significant benefit: the sentimental value.

A gift that warms the heart

A gift that is so touching and emotional that it makes you feel like you are there, even if you’re not speaking the words, is rare and lovely. The result was clear when the daughter who received a custom portrait painting of her daughter saw it for the second time. See the expression of amazement on her face when she was searching for the right words.

You can see what another satisfied customer said about the convenience and beauty that pictures on canvas offer.

Complete the Surprise

A hand-drawn portrait is an amazing gift. Uncommon Goods provides customizable gifts that can be added to any gift package.

Perhaps you’ve given a portrait to your sister of your niece. A stunning ring combining your sister’s diamond and your nieces’ would be an amazing addition. If you are able to include multiple family members, There will be enough space for all of the birthstones so that their loved one can carry their thoughts with them everywhere.

You could also choose a necklace that has a special message written in the hand of a loved person. You know that a picture speaks a thousand things, so make it memorable!

Art For the Heart

A personal portrait is a great gift to surprise someone you care about.

Take a look in the detail to see how easy and simple it can be for you to create a masterpiece, one that will not only last but will also live on in the hearts of many over the years.

By Elliana