Are you tired of the heat and dry weather? A portable evaporative cooler would be a great choice. This cooler will cool down your room to a comfortable temperature.
Don’t be too comfortable with the device. The air conditioner will eventually develop mold and a bad smell if it is not cleaned regularly. Here’s a guide to cleaning your portable evaporative cooler.
Clean The Water Tank
Your portable evaporative cooler water must be changed regularly. In hot and humid climates, stagnant water is a breeding ground for bacteria. This can release an unpleasant odor and could also cause health problems.
To maintain hygiene, the old water must be poured out and replaced with fresh water. You could also clean the water tank. This should be done at least three times per day.
This guide will show you how to properly clean your water tank.
Step 1 Take Out The Cooling Pads
You must first remove the cooling panels and pads from the water tank before you can clean it. First, unplug the device. Then turn off the water supply.
Step 2 Get Free Of The Old Water
It is now time to drain the old water. Check to see if the water tank can be detached. If it is, remove the tank and dispose of the water. A drain plug may also be installed by the manufacturer. If so, open the drain plug and let it drain until all water is out.
Step 3 Clean The Within Of The Cooler
Sometimes, debris can get trapped inside the water tank. This could cause the water tank to become clogged and stop it from circulating cleanly. It is a good idea always to clean the cooler’s interior. This task can be accomplished with a sponge or soft cloth.
Step 4 Soak The Water Tank
Mix 50/50 water/vinegar. It can be used to fill the tank with water and vinegar. Leave it there for at least an hour. You can also rinse the tank with mild soap and warm water.
Step 5 Finally, Clean It
It is now time to scrub the tank. You can use a brush or a piece of cloth to do the job. After you are done, rinse your tank with clean water.
Clean Cooling Pads
The swamp cooler pad and heat exchangers in your air cooler are essential. These parts are vital to the operation of the cooler’s fans. These parts will eventually become dirty and need to be cleaned. The best way to keep your cooling pads clean is to clean them once a month.
Step 1 Dip The Pads In A Mixture Of Lemon Juice Or Vinegar
Mix lemon juice and water. For 30-60 seconds, dip the cooling pads into it. A 50-50 solution of water and vinegar can be used as well.
Vinegar can leave a stench in your cooling pads if it is used.
Step 2 Dry The Cooling Pads
After you have rinsed and washed the cooling pad, allow them to dry. The cooling pads should not be reinstalled if they have become wet. Electronic devices and water are not compatible, as you probably know.