How to Get Your Song on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, Etc.. (and Earn Money)

Independent artists can record, mix, and then release their music in today’s digital age. A smaller studio is cheaper, the mixing software is more intuitive, and music can easily be uploaded to music streaming services in a matter of hours.

This article will teach you how to publish your music on all streaming services and how to sell your music on iTunes, including Spotify, Amazon Music, and TIDAL.

Prepare Your Tracks

First, your tracks must be ready. Although there are not many requirements regarding audio files, it is important to ensure they are high quality. High quality.wav files are most commonly used.

Make a Cover Art

Cover art should be included on any single, ep, or album. A simple cover art could be a photo or simple text.

Select a Music Release Company

To stream music to a major streaming service, you need to sign up for a service.

Use the Website Instructions

Each provider has an interface where you can upload and prepare your release. They are not all the same but tend to look similar.

These steps are common:

  • Create user
  • Name and information regarding the release
  • Add tracks (with name & information)
  • Upload cover art
  • Choose streaming services (and other add-ons).
  • Approve and make payment

After you’ve completed this, it typically takes 14-20 working days before the music goes live on each service.

Learn How to Upload Spotify Music

It is the most popular streaming platform in the world, and they greatly influence what people listen to or how they listen.

Let’s talk about what you need to do to get your music on Spotify uploaded.

Do You Require A Label To Add Your Music To Spotify?

Musicians who have yet to upload music to Spotify may expect it to be very simple. They can upload their music directly to Spotify, as a Sound cloud would.

How Can Music Services Be Used To Get Your Music On Spotify?

Distributing vinyl, cassettes, or CDs was done by distributors in the pre-internet era.

Even though music is still available via physical media to some extent, most music today is streamed through streaming services. Digital distributors are responsible for placing your music on streaming sites such as Spotify.

How Long Does It Take For Your Music To Be Uploaded To TikTok?

Your choice of digital music distribution service and the quality of your actual release will determine this answer.

A release that contains copyrighted material may not be approved.

If there are no problems, it can take 1-3 weeks to get your music on TikTok collection.

Start Selling Music in the Best Music Store on the Planet

iTunes is a digital retailer that sell your music online. CD Baby will allow you to have your music downloaded in the iTunes Store within a matter of days once you sign up. It may also be accessible in Apple Music. Apple Music is an Apple Music companion service offering interactive music streaming. Music revenue can only be recovered if songs are available for download from the iTunes Store or streaming via Apple Music.

We’ll also pay royalties via iTunes Match and iTunes Radio and weekly trending reports to show you when and where your music is selling. MusicDigi makes it easy to sell music on Apple Music.


By Elliana